1130830 International Teacher's Visit DayStart of the New School Year Our school's International Program will have all-English courses. The teacher for these courses is Sonia from sunny California. Yesterday, Sonia met with the principal and English teachers at school. The principal gave Sonia a wooden coaster from our Technology Center as a gift. They discussed the future topics of the International Program. We hope that by next July, before our exchange visit to Japan, students will use English to broaden their international perspective.Today’s Opening Ceremony During the ceremony, Sonia gave a brief self-introduction and encouraged students to come to her office during break time to practice English. The enthusiastic 7th-grade students understood the English speech and quickly took the opportunity to chat and take photos with Sonia.===1130830虎國外師到校日113新學年開始本校國際脈動全英語課程授課教師是來自陽光加州的Sonia老師昨天(8/29)Sonia到校與校長及英語老師們相見校長致贈本校科技中心樟木雷雕杯墊並與外師研討日後國際脈動課程課題期待在來年七月的赴日交流前讓學生以英語為工具拓展國際視野===今天開學式中Sonia老師簡短自我介紹並歡迎同學利用下課時間一起到辦公室對談英語熱情的七年級新生同學真的聽得懂英語短講哦立即把握機會對話合影===#ETA外師#國際脈動課程